Travel: Recharge Your Batteries

In by Susan Adams

Travel is good for you. And healthier, less stressed employees are good for business.

The Gift of Gratitude

In by Susan Adams

This week, we are reminded of the things in life we are thankful for like friends, family, and our jobs. Being grateful for your coworkers and appreciating their contributions is just as important. Let’s all fit in some workplace gratitude this week.

FOMO: What Amazon Knows Will Supercharge Incentives

In by Susan Adams

Properly managed incentive and travel management is entirely based around the concept of FOMO, the “fear of missing out.” This powerful tool in a planner’s marketing arsenal can’t be bought.

Engagement and Incentives: Going Global

In by Susan Adams

Business is global and that presents challenges. But with the right tools and local partnerships, you can keep your team engaged, wherever they may be.