Amplify® Takes Performance to the Next Level.
Accelerate Growth with Amplify® by Next Level Performance®
For 45 years, we have been designing sales incentives that help your teams reach higher. The all-new Amplify® technology sits at the center of our performance solutions, connecting your people to your values, your teams to your triumphs, and your channels to your success.
Amplify® Rewards Performance
Our leading-edge Amplify® performance technology gives you all the power, simplicity, and flexibility you need to create effective sales-engagement programs faster than ever. Amplify® is integral with our global rewards platform, distinguished by dynamic communications, fed by leading analytics, and built on the knowledge that your sales channels need technology that grows with them.
Amplify® Powers Sales
Whether you need to simply and efficiently communicate your programs and reward your teams, or add the Amplify® Sales modules to deliver unlimited sales campaigns, product training and gamification elements, Amplify® delivers.
Want to Learn More?
A 15-minute conversation can help us understand your goals and challenges.
We'll share our ideas and best practices with you.
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