When the going gets tough, the tough get … Innovating. One of the great things about Next Level is that we never stop looking for innovations and efficiencies. So when the COVID-19 situation hit our area and we all found ourselves working from home, we immediately turned to our list of ideas and improvements from virtual meetings and events to recognition platform innovations. Check out what we’re working on!
Expanding Virtual Meetings and Events
For several years, we’ve been handling a number of programs with remote capture sites and simulcasts to offices and theaters. It’s been a successful solution for dispersed workforces of thousands of people. With incentive programs on hold for now, we’re getting creative with virtual events! From ice cream socials and at-home cocktail events, to celebrity appearances and remote recognition awards ceremonies, we’re bringing the fun – and the incentive attention to perfection – to the party.
The good news is that the technology has been improving steadily and now the event itself can be complex, with teambuilding, activities, even yoga breaks built in. With remote production and virtual control rooms, it’s really possible to launch an event worthy of your brand, even when you can’t all be together.
The Quick Pivot
For programs that couldn’t operate because of travel restrictions, we have been finding new solutions to reward in these changing circumstances.
That means we’ve been adapting registration sites for communications, transitioning travel guests to rapid-launch merchandise and gift card platforms, and members of our Travel team have been working alongside Client Services to verify data and implement non-travel programs.

We’ve even been operating Project: Gratitude by Great Rewards, a simple to use option with eGift Cards to essential retailers to help clients address the immediate needs of their workforces. That’s how one of our clients achieved more than 10X the participation over the last 30 days. The case study is coming soon!
New Features in Recognition Technology
If you haven’t seen it yet, check out our ApplauditTM platform. It’s the hub of employee engagement and recognition for many of our clients – and for Next Level! (We’re users, too, and it contributes to our own thriving culture of appreciation.)
Our IT team has added Applause. As a manager, I’m delighted. This means that when someone else recognizes a member of my team, I can boost the reward points by clicking Applaud It. It’s an innovation that makes it easier for me to celebrate the achievements of anyone in the company.
New Tools in Every Department

We’re also working on efficiencies within the company. From a coming-soon new expense reporting system for our team to new texting and online waiver capabilities for Travel planners, there’s a lot happening.
That’s how it goes with an engaged workforce. Things got a little rocky when the first stay-at-home orders were issued, so our team did what it does best: went to work and got things done. We’re looking forward to seeing the overall situation stabilize, and then we’re ready to roll out new solutions when you are. Until then, stay well and let us know how we can help.