Our entire team was thrilled to learn last week that Next Level Performance has been selected as one of New Jersey’s Best Places to Work by NJBIZ for the fourth year! Our company culture and employee engagement set us apart, not only as employers but also as partners to our clients. Every member of our team is committed to our joint mission – To help people and organizations dig deeper, reach higher, and attain the next level – and we practice what we preach.
Here are just a few of the things that we do to make Next Level one of the Best Places to Work:
It can be as simple as a “thank you” or as exciting as a formal presentation with a crystal award at an annual event. Everyone in our company participates in our online Applaudit™ platform where they can publicly recognize colleagues, comment, award or redeem points, or make nominations for annual awards. It’s the communication hub for all of our thank yous – big or small.
Community Involvement
Around here, we live our CARES values – Collaboration, Accountability, Respect, Ethical behavior, and Service. They inform every decision we make. And we carry them forward into our community service efforts. From a weekly $1 donation to charity so that we can dress casually to a week-long service event every summer (check out HOPE here!), every teammate is involved throughout the year in providing resources to our neighbors, through volunteered time or financial support. It’s very meaningful to us all and brings us together as our own Next Level community.

I am the #1 example for the opportunities at Next Level. Currently I oversee Marketing and Communications, as well as work closely with Sales. But I came to work here to be the director of the Travel team 13 years ago. In the meanwhile, I’ve also worked in Air and Customer Service. There is commitment to provide people with the chance to learn more and do more, if they are interested in expanding their horizons. Through volunteer positions in industry organizations, formal education and certifications, or simply the chance to lend a hand on a project in another department, there are many ways to expand skills and increase opportunity.
Thanks to our awesome, teammate-driven Recognition & Engagement committee, we also have fun together. They work hard to infuse fun into our workdays, as well as plan some pretty great annual events in the summer and around the holidays. Every company faces challenges, but the team at Next Level sticks together and drives toward our common goals. We’re one of the Best Places to Work because we prioritize our community and our people. We care about each other and about the work that we do.